September is Healthy Aging Month.

September is Healthy Aging Month – “an annual occurrence to raise awareness about the positive aspects of growing older”. In honor of Healthy Aging Month, we’d like to take this time to highlight an exciting new initiative that recently launched here in Jacksonville, the Blue Zones Project. The Blue Zones Project is focused on lengthening… Continue reading September is Healthy Aging Month.

National Health Center Week is August 8th – 14th.

It’s National Health Center Week! Health centers “are community-based health care providers that receive funds from the HRSA Health Center Program to provide primary care services in underserved areas. They must meet a stringent set of requirements, including providing care on a sliding fee scale based on ability to pay and operating under a governing… Continue reading National Health Center Week is August 8th – 14th.

July 28th is World Hepatitis Day.

It’s World Hepatitis Day. A day that brings “the world together under a single theme to raise awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis and to influence real change”. In honor of World Hepatitis Day, JaxCareConnect would like to take this time to highlight one of our amazing community partners, CAN Community Health, and… Continue reading July 28th is World Hepatitis Day.

Memorial Day: Honoring Our Veterans

Each year on the last Monday in May, we celebrate Memorial Day. “Originally called Decoration Day, [Memorial Day] is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America”. Thank you to all of our active military personnel and anyone who has bravely served this country. In honor… Continue reading Memorial Day: Honoring Our Veterans

JaxCareConnect: 2023 Year In Review

Happy New Year! We hope 2023 was as amazing for you as it was for us. We grew, we achieved, we connected – and we could not have done any of it without your support. The ways in which JaxCareConnect grew in 2023 varied. We had 1,089 patients referred to our program. We got 919… Continue reading JaxCareConnect: 2023 Year In Review

Healthcare for Veterans: A JaxCareConnect Patient Success Story

Veterans Day honors the sacrifices and service of our nation’s veterans and their families. Today, JaxCareConnect honors all military personnel – active duty and retired. We do this by talking about the unique health-related issues that members of the United States military face, and by combatting those issues by working to make healthcare more accessible.… Continue reading Healthcare for Veterans: A JaxCareConnect Patient Success Story

How to Stay Healthy this Summer

Summer is here to stay. Here’s some tips from our friends over at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The Red Cross, and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) on how to stay healthy this season. First, we’re talking skin safety. The CDC recommends wearing both sunscreen and insect repellent. For sun protection,… Continue reading How to Stay Healthy this Summer

3 Ways to Celebrate Men’s Health Month.

It’s Men’s Health Month! A special time, beginning on June 1st, meant to encourage boys and men to take charge of their overall health by implementing healthy living decisions. As a healthcare organization, promoting healthy living (for men and for all) is something we stand behind. According to Men’s Health Month, here are 3 things… Continue reading 3 Ways to Celebrate Men’s Health Month.

Women’s Health: National Women’s Health Week

It’s National Women’s Health Week! A special week, beginning on Mother’s Day, meant to encourage women and girls to prioritize and value their health. According to the Office on Women’s Health, this year’s theme is “Women’s Health, Whole Health: Prevention, Care and Wellbeing”. As a healthcare organization, promoting whole health (for women and for all)… Continue reading Women’s Health: National Women’s Health Week

Earth Day 2023

Happy Earth Day! Keeping the Earth healthy requires starting from within. We must keep ourselves healthy before we can focus on the health of those, and the Earth, around us. One way we’re promoting keeping ourselves healthy is by keeping up to date with vaccines. It’s flu season and the COVID-19 pandemic is still upon… Continue reading Earth Day 2023

National Social Work Month

March is National Social Work Month! Why is this holiday relevant to us? Because we have two licensed Social Workers on our team. Precious Dinkens and Rhonda Allen, two of our Patient Health Advocates, started their careers in Social Work. They utilize their skills in their roles with JaxCareConnect, as well as in positions within… Continue reading National Social Work Month

Programs We’re Loving

February is often regarded as the month of love; however, that does not mean it has to be centered on love between a person and their partner. February can also be about love between oneself (self-love), love between friends (platonic love), or in our case, programs we’re loving! In honor of this lovely month, we’d… Continue reading Programs We’re Loving

It’s Mental Illness Awareness Week.

It’s Mental Illness Awareness Week! A week “marked by community education efforts in all 50 states to raise awareness that mental illnesses are treatable medical conditions, and that there is help and hope for children and adults with mental illnesses and their families”. In honor of this special week, we’d like to take this time… Continue reading It’s Mental Illness Awareness Week.


Size of
1 $1,883 $22,596 $2,510 $30,120 $3,138 $37,656
2 $2,555 $30,660 $3,407 $40,880 $4,259 $51,108
3 $3,228 $38,736 $4,303 $51,640 $5,379 $64,548
4 $3,900 $46,800 $5,200 $62,400 $6,500 $78,000
5 $4,573 $54,876 $6,097 $73,160 $7,621 $91,452
6 $5,245 $62,940 $6,993 $83,920 $8,741 $104,892
7 $5,918 $71,016 $7,890 $94,680 $9,863 $118,356
8 $6,590 $79,080 $8,787 $105,440 $10,984 $131,808